Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ruto and the Karamajong Guerrillas

This is a statement from People Foundation, Inc, California. Over the last couple of days, we have seen Hon. Raila Odinga come to terms with the escalating lose of human lives in our country, and has consistently softened his stand towards a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. One thing that has aroused our curiosity is the posture that William Ruto has taken in the whole reconciliation process. We got concerned and embarked on a quick investigative research to unearth what is driving Ruto not to explore peaceful resolution to the social-political crisis going on in our country. Let the truth be known that William Ruto is the man sponsoring the genocide operations going in Rift Valley through the Karamajong Guerilla Fighters, a militia with operations similar to the old known militia "the Shiftas" that fought Moi in the 1980s. Reliable sources indicate that Karamojong Guerrilla Fighters arrived in city of Eldoret where they mercilessly massacred hundreds of innocent people including women and children. Recently Ruto was reported to be out of Nairobi, and could not attend the meeting between Raila and Kalonzo. We have established that Ruto was in Eldoret meeting with the Karamojong Guerilla Fighters. Ruto knew that the only way ODM could have access to adequate firepower (KEG) was to engage the Karamojong Guerilla Fighter who are obviously known to possess insurmountable quantities of AK-47, Automatic Rifles and other sophisticated small arms. It is important to highlight the fact that Karamojong communities are cousins with the Luos, and therefore, it is the same militia that is killing people in Nyanza. It is therefore imperative for the government of the day to take decisive and conclusive action against William Ruto, and the perpetrators of genocide. We cannot afford to see one more live lost. We are also asking Hon Raila Odinga to disassociate himself with William Ruto and speak for peace and return of the nation to normalcy. Who knows whether the judicial process could over turn the ECK decision, and see a re-run of the presidential elections? Karamoja, the nomadic pastoralists of Northern Uganda and Kenya have traditionally raided each other's livestock, an activity that flows naturally from their cultural frameworks for life. During the raiding season, the raid is typically followed counter-raid with considerable loss of life. Ever since they became neighbors, raiding has gone on intermittently, not only between Karamojong and Pokot, but also between them and Jie, Dodoso, Turkana, Samburu, Marakwet, Sapiny ot Sabawot, and Bukusu. Before 1970s, Karamoja was peaceful, pastoral and traditional, but the years according to Mirzeler & Young (2000) ushered in the new era of guns. The proliferation of automatic rifles (Leggett, 2000) has unequivocally infected the Karamojong culture with ills of modern AK-47 raids, which currently pose the single greatest risk to the security of the northern region. Mirzeler & Young (2000) write that there are over 40,000 AK-47 in Karamojong community, while Gray (2000) estimates that there are over 100,000 automatic rifles in Karamoja. Firearms are not novelties for the Karamojong, they have enculturated them with very little fuss, just like other Iron implements, all of which are acquired from foreigners. The Karamojongs have possessed firearms since 1870 when the colonial government licensed some, and there have always been at least a few illicit firearms. The community started acquiring sophisticated guns in large quantities in the 1970s following the routing of President Idi Amin's army in Uganda by an alliance of Tanzanian People's Defense Force and Uganda exiles (Mburu, 2000). One known major source was the Moroto barracks which the fleeing Ugandan dictator abandoned intact thus allowing the Karamojong to help themselves to unlimited quantities of rifles, small arms and ammunitions. William Ruto, knowing very well that in the context of the Turkana and Karamojong people that the current governments in Kenya and Uganda are part of the insecurity problem, has incited the Karamojongs and other communities to violence, and secretly engaged the Karamojong Guerilla Fighters to inflict fear and suffering among the people in protest of the outcome of the just concluded general elections. To this end, Ruto should be apprehended as an underworld warlord who incites ethnic communities to arm and commit genocide like what recently happened in the church campus in Eldoret, For those who think the government should not act decisively and conclusively with William Ruto should read (Romans 13:4) .. for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

People Foundation, Inc,
Social Transformation
Advocacy Group 775 River
Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95136


Unknown said...

The author of this message is the most propagandist who continues to fuel animosity in Kenya and quite frankly, he or she is ignorant of Kenya's history. Atrocities in the Rift Valley of Kenya precede Ruto. They are a clear aftermath of a greedy, imperial, monarchical constitution that unfortunately governs the country today. A Kenyan president has power to give anypone he wishes land, to make one rich or poor, hire and fire at will. During the reign of kenyatta and his protege,Moi, land was distributed to cronies and at the same time removed from foes. Tribal clashes in these areas have continued unbated. Associating any current big names in the region as an agent of tribal clashes is not only naive but frankly it is a way of skirting a round a problem that has exsited for a long time and never dealt with by the government.

Please let's not use this forum to misrepresent the facts as we know them.
Kibaki has all the security apparatus of arresting this problem. Instead of shooting innocent demonstartors on the streets, why can't he spare his bullets to quell tribal clashes? The answer is because, it is not in his interest to do so. Sober Kenyans must come out and condemn evil and injustices irrespective of who is in office. It is unfortunate that some Kikuyus have decided to follow their leaders blindly just becasue of tribal affiliations. It is unKenyan and disgusting.

It is unfortunate that some people have decided to look at the current problem with tribal lense; it is not going to soften the minds and hearts of frustrated civilians.


Edward Too said...

Sir, where were you when Kibaki stole the election? Do you remember that Kenyans went to the polls on the 27th and there was no war then? Your tribesman Mwai, should have thought of the consequences that would follow his actions - then Kenya would be moving on well. But he decided to make everyone a fool and went against their rights. People said no to that Thug but he took it by force. How then would you expect people who were cheated to just go on with life as ussual? Since most of his tribesmen are in the Rift Valley and do insist their tribesman Mwai won, the people have taken matters into their hands. Mr. Rutto is not behind the killings; Kibaki, Michuki, Lucy, Murungaru, Kivuitu are. They are the ones you should be contacting the ICC in the Hague about. Sorry you got a wrong person sir. Realize that while you still insist that your tribesman, Mwai, won the election, your people will continue to suffer for the wrongs they din't commit. Join the whole nation in condemning Kibaki and his men, not Rutto!

Concerned Kenyan said...

The evidence is out there that we need to seperate two things; What caused the violence and those who actually intigated the violence. Are we trying to justify the violenc? That it was okey for Hon. Ruto to hire tribal thugs to prey on innocent Kenyans ? Including burning children inside a church. Sure land issues in the Rift are historical but why not solve them with disency without cause of harm. You say Kibaki has the state apparatus and can stop the violence. Really? Isnt Raila and Ruto on record that 100,000 police and army cannot defeat 'Kenyans'. We would like to portray these as peaceful demonstrations but the situation on the ground portrays organised ethnic cleansing. The very same ODM leaders have hypocritically split the state machinery into tribal fiodoms.

Anonymous said...

hi all, as the country tries to heal, bringing out all the facts is imperative and hiding them under the carpet won't help. If Ruto did indeed help in the RV killings, every Kenyan needs to know. If Kibaki ordered police to kill innocent citizens, everyone needs to know. Protecting them won't help and will just hide our anger.

Anonymous said...

Murder, Genocide and Ethinic Cleansing are a criminal offence and shame on all who are trying to justify. Do you think you will now get the land that you have plundered!
I am all for taking Ruto, Koskey, Ntimama and their croonies to the Hague.

The truth is whether Kibaki was sworn in or not this Ethinic cleansing was planned and would even have been worse had Raila and Ruto ascended to power.The plan had been hatched and was to be executed.

The truth shall be told and only the truth will set Kenya free. Innocent blood cannot continue to be shed for political gains

Anonymous said...

I am a luo and I feel bad when our name is wrongfully misquoted in the website.kibaki major general Ali and other kibaki cronies should be taken to the hague. Dont pass the buck this website is a waste of internet bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

What happened was majimbo according to PNU propaganda,and they are to be blamed

Anonymous said...

Kenya as a country has become greatly polarized to the extent that peoples opinions and views have been shaped by their partisan positions.It is sad that there is violence and we condemn it,but blaming a particular individual because of his political visibility and stand is wrong.Let us address the root causes of the problem otherwise this forum will become another polarization forum,maligning peoples names without a shred of evidence or remorse.My take is Ruto is not the problem and let us remember people from other communities have been attacked and displaced as well by the Mungiki gang

Unknown said...


That does not address the question whether Ruto is implicated or not. If Mungiki has it's hands bloodied, they too should be charged. There are now independent international bodies that have established that the ethnic cleansing in RV was planned, and this needs to be followed through!


Anonymous said...

Petition website for taking Ruto et al to the hague. Please spread the word. No person should have to die for voting their conscious!


Spread the word far and near for justice to prevail.

Anonymous said...

If really the violence has anything to do with elections ODM should go for sit-in demonstration at statehouse or altenatively burn state house and lodges but not innocent Kikuyu houses. Its a fact Kikuyu are the economic backbone of this country and we are proud of it just like Luo are proud of having the most educated guys in this country but we never feel jealus of their achivement. Most kikuyus bought land in rift valley on the basis of a willing seller a willing buyer.To turn back and accuse them of land grabing is hypocracy of the highest order.Ruto is guilty and as a christian he ought to have inteveened to end the violence not issueing press statements. But i know a time will come when Ruto will have to apologise to KIkuyus of pay back but i equally feel his life is not a cent more worth than those of women who have been raped,kids butchered

Anonymous said...

William Ruto and his 'Black Taliban' were behind the outbreak of violence during the elections in 2002 and many people do know that he and his followers are behind the post-election violence in Rift Valley. They must be held responsible for torturing and killing Kenyans.

Anonymous said...

I'm writing a short article about the violence in Kenya since the elections (I was there during the first two weeks of January.)

Please send me examples of hate speech, or other evidence that the violence was instigated or planned. No diatribes, please, just good citations!

sgsnow at wagner edu

asante sana

Anonymous said...

Hi, I would also like to air my comment on the ongoing debate about Ruto. For one the guy is not even worth listening to. All he does is just spit out words of hatred and war. Cant Kenyan see what is happening? We do not even need any international mediator to come and try and talk this over it’s a Kenyan thing and lets keep it at that. All they come here to do is come to issue threats forgetting that we have survived in worst situation. Some of us would love our lives to go back to normal no matter who is on the seat because it dosent really matter who is there anyway the bottom line is that we are all suffering. If all those so called pentagon members really had the country at heart why should they call out all innocent Kenyans to go to the streets only to end up in the mouges. Where are there families? Why don’t they line there wives, concubines husbands and children infront then we can truly follow them in the so called peaceful demonstrations. Why do kenyas want to be used? It is a pitty and a shame for all this big people to do what they are and the worst part come 2012 Ruto will be there trying to convince you how good he will turn kenyas economy and you will give him your vote (hopefully we will have pulled through alive)


Unknown said...

You're the most profound idiotic fool i have ever met. First, if only you would waive your anonymous status, any reader will realize that you're a power hungry Kikuyu. Please do not post anything on the web with such horrendous grammatical mistakes. I am surprised you do not know the difference between "there" and "their." You are a typical replica of the constitution of those advising Kibaki: uneducated, myopic and selfish.

Anonymous said...

We must understand that people who are writting their views are trying to raise their voice. You stop been stupid and arrogant to others. We are none born engilish speakers so what do you think?. Ruto should have been locked in kamiti by know. HE IS A KILLER AND DOESNOT DESERVE TO LIVE WITH ANY HUMAN BEING AROUND HIM. HOW CAN THIS LUMBWA KILL OUR TRIBE AND GET A WAY WITH IT. THEY NEED TO BE MORE CIVILIZED AND NOT BEHAVING LIKE BUSH PEOPLE WHO NEVER WENT TO SCHOOL. THEY NEED TO BE HANGED LIKE SADAMU SOON OR LATER. THANKYOU''''

Unknown said...

With a name like eusebius, you should remain anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Let us be completely honest here. The truth of the matter is the kalenjins begun murdering kikuyus after the disputed results were announced. I am not blind to the fact that there have been some historical injustices that they feel or felt aggrieved about. While the Luo went on to demonstrate against what they believed was a flawed election the kalenjins went on a massacre mission that would have made the interhamwe of Rwanda or the janjaweeed of Sudan proud. For members of the kalenjin community to go ahead and justify this genocide due to a stolen election or histrorical injustices only goes to show that even today given another chance they would troop to the next church and set it ablaze while hacking everyone who manages to escape the fire. I condem all the violence in the strongest possible terms. That includes the Mungiki who used revenge as a cover to re-invent themselves as a protector of the kikuyu tribe while they were being hunted down.
If Ruto or anyone else was responsible for the violence am not content with reserving the hottest place in hell for them. I want to see the punished here on earth.Anyone involved in the killings deserves a date with the hang-man in kamiti regardless of what tribe they come from or what grieviances thay may have had.

Anonymous said...

My dear fellow Kenyan its very disapointing that people are getting on others necks because of some grammar error English is is a third language in Kenya. let us have respect for eachother no matter what tribe you come from. Why waste you energy typing negative comments towards others.

Anonymous said...

Certainly Ruto is not the problem and Kikuyus must desist from carrying themselves around as if they were the only ones killed, displaced or affected. Are they forgetting how they mercilessly murdered western Kenyans in Naivasha? all communities suffered because of the greed of Kibaki, martha Karua and cronies. we have not forgotten. NO MORE LIES.

Anonymous said...

this writer will doom and go to the hottest part of hell talk of one MWAI KIBAKI who stole the votes as the returning officer from was challenging the result at the nerve center that didn't need karamajong fighters simple rules STAND UP FIGHT FOR YOU RIGHT

Anonymous said...

If you give kipsigis a choice btw Raila and Zakayo, they will elect Zakayo several times over. Zakayo has so many tangible project he can show. He's build schools from scratch. Build rural economy from scarcth. Employ several people. What does raila offer...DOMO DOMO. The same would happened in Ugenya where Orengo remain unwanted. People don't eat change...they need to see some action. Nursery school or toilet hata imeshindwa?

Rutoh will present kenyans what he has done in Kilimo hse. Slashing input prices by 300% amongst other really fundamental changes. If kenyan prefer kazi iendeleeeeee versus domo domo ya raila (mau forest PM)..they would have spoken.

Unknown said...

should ruto be taken to hague be ready 4 the worst you writer of this note. we are going to show you that we don't give a damn when it comes to protecting our land. all what u've said are lies i come from kenegut and i never saw any oath taking

Anonymous said...

What we want is the evidence against all of our leaders. I belief that ALL of our leaders played a crucial role in the inciting of the Kenyans. Did u hear Makwere when he was fighting for his Re-election? Again, guys lets think seriously here...who was killed during the 2007-08 PEV? It was the women, and the poor and the youth...And who were killing each other?..ordinary poor Kenyans...Why? simply they of the "rigging" and why the rigging? Cos of the "heated champaigns that made Raila look like he was gonna win afterall....and what does that mean...We kenyans are fools, who we shelter our leaders and ready to die for them...Are they ready to die for us? Hell NO. I think it is therefore convenient not to metnion some specific names of the politicians, but let's generalize that PEV was a consequence of weak polotical whatever in Kenya..One love Kenya..Lets love each other, I feel this webpage is crap, and is just another form of hate speech that keeps dividing people....You are free to say I am a faggot, but rem, you are a faggot if you can't listen to other peoples ideas.

masha said...


kama said...

hague is the solution
rem isaac ruto the famous slogan "not be vague go to hague

njoki said...

do u rem the burning in kiambaa churcch and the burning of 11 family member in one house. surely what if it was ur family. know they are going around looking for our sympathy. REALLY HAVE THEY EVER GONE ROUND TALKING ABOUT IDP RESENTLEMT. LOOK At the big entourage, choppers,hummer and all the art of fine car they are displaying.
and who said its only Raila,Ruto and Uhuru can lead kenya
do they think we dont have other potentialy people.
even USA never thought os someone like Obama say give us a BREAK GO to HAGUE

Anonymous said...

The author of this blogspot is a mediocre who lacks direction in his/her own life. How can you buy into a propaganda and further propagate the same. Your malice against Ruto and the kalenjins will always be futile and remember we ain't gonna get peaceful co-existance in kenya based on such falsehoods. Go to hell therefore and come back riding on a wooden bicycle. ichuss

chebet said...

The all thing is about stolen votes and if there is anyone to go to Hague is the two principles who made kenyans fight against each other.And again kenyans we need to grow n be brave not to be divided along tribal lines.As much as we want to kill Ruto as some are saying,so how about the plans in state hse?Naivasha killings by use of mungiki?all this is just based on hear say and so shoddy infor coz i come from Rift Valley and nothing was planned i was there it was just reaction of stolen votes.So since the all country was on fire was Ruto everywhere?Kisumu,Coast.Yes we want justice but lets do it in sober manner lets not create more hatred amongst ourselves,lets not be emotional.The church got burned coz of commotions since it was lunch hour and people were cooking and as people moved up and down the gas cylinder fell and exploded and that is the cause of fire no one burned the church we kelenjins don't do such cruel things coz its a taboo and one will be soo cursed if he does that.I know u wont take this but its the truth and the truth shall set us free. RUTO IS A GOOD MAN AND DOES NOT DESERVE THIS HE SHOULD COME BACK HOME SINCE HE IS SOO INNOCENT,THOSE WHO STOLE THE VOTES SHOULD BE THERE NOT HIM.


indeed Ruto and his allies must be jailed in hague.the fact is here, personally i was in Eldoret and heard him mobilizing youths to cause all killings. yes he is, kenyans let us talk the truth because it is through truth that we shall be free.

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